Thriving Disciples
What is a "thriving disciple"? The Lord Jesus put the cards out on the table by explaining to the Jews that as the One sent by the Father (Yahweh), He is the good Shepherd and that unlike others "that steal and take away", He came "that they may have life and have it abundantly!"
Yahweh had breathed life into Adam and constructed him as an image-bearer. Adam rebelled and decided he could live apart from God. He made a bad call and died. Along with him, his descendants were cursed with death. Jesus came to offer eternal life by taking Adam's punishment upon Himself. But death could not trap Jesus in the confines of the grave, so He rose again and is alive!
When we're talking about "thriving disciples", it means not only that one passes from death to life, but also from identification with Adam to identification with Jesus Christ. It also means that as humans IN CHRIST, we are FULL OF LIFE! We are a new humanity with a quality of life incomprehensible to those still in Adam.
Despite this reality, too many Christians still gravitate toward legalism and have a limited comprehension and acceptance of the grace of God established in Christ Jesus. They miss out on living; REALLY living.
Over the years, we have seen local churches and communities of followers of Jesus from many different cultures, "drying up on the Vine" for lack of understanding and often a lack of faith. We want Jesus' people to thrive in their relationships within the family, community, and the workplace.
Our ministry desire is that every person in every ethnic group have the opportunity to BECOME a thriving disciple of Jesus Christ.