Mike & Trisha coach people to thrive according to God’s design and live it out in family, community, and the workplace.
Grow • Create • Thrive •
Mike and Trisha are expanding their ministry globally by mobilizing Christ followers, adding value to their ministries, and providing creative services.
Servicios Creativos
Their mission is to facilitate social entrepreneurs to grow, create, and thrive, in order for them to champion holistic transformation in their community.
Organización Ñandutí
Their mission is to develop holistic training and equipping programs for young people and adults that result in leading their communities in a process of holistic transformation and to facilitate local organizations to empower their communities, resulting in social transformation.
Partners for Paraguay
Their mission is to partner with local churches, organizations, and individuals as they train, equip and mobilize disciples of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached with the Gospel.
Indigenous Technology and Education Center
Their mission is equipping indigenous Christ followers for meaningful participation in His Great Commission.
Mike and Trisha coach other people to thrive.
Training plays an essential part of "growing up" and maturing into thriving disciples. Our training needs to be holistic, encompassing both life and livelihood. "Life" refers to the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ, and "livelihood" refers to the outworking of our life in the marketplace and community.
Training and equipping go hand-in-hand. While training focuses on influencing a person's actions, attitudes, and behaviors, equipping provides the resources and equipment that a person needs to perform the duties associated with their roles and responsibilities.
A thriving disciple of Jesus Christ has a healthy discontentment with the status quo and is always growing spiritually, which results in strategies that train, equip, and mobilize other followers of Christ. A mobilizer will take initiative to influence others to also grow and serve those within their immediate sphere of influence.